My way back to LIO
I went back and forth about returning to LIO since my arrival back home.
Isn’t it easier to simply rebrand completely, and start a new practice?
Of course, it is…but,
LIO has such a rich history and a story of its own. Those of you who’ve journeyed with LIO since 2015, know how LIO started and all the mini adventures we had. From Juice Inside Out events to Silent retreats filled with love and rest. We were a part of other events like the Inspired Women’s Conferences and spent time with brave ones during individual care & counselling. I have never met individuals as brave as the ones I met on the LIO couch. I loved working at LIO. Everything about it. The brave clients, the events, the website. LIO was everything I wanted and everywhere I wanted to be. And then I left. (2021 marked a 3-year couch rest. Wow.)
So much has changed.
LIO is not what it was when it started in 2015, and most definitely not what it was when the doors closed in 2018.
It’s only been three years, but it feels like I have lived a thousand lives since then. My concern was that if I kept the brand, LIO, that clients might struggle to adjust to the new face and changes. (Trust me when I say, I have received my fair share of hate mail from previous clients, and even non-clients expressing their discomfort with my new way of doing life.)
The choice was:
Walk away from LIO completely to start something new
Find my way back to LIO allowing it to become everything it’s meant to be.
Reading an email from a discomforted client stating that he couldn’t see “who he wished” to see in my “work”, made me realise
change is truly uncomfortable.
Growth is painful. Not only for the person growing but also for the ones around him/her.
We all desire growth, but we easily forget that growth means change.
Change leaves an uneasy feeling in the pit of our stomachs. Change asks us to show up and adjust our opinions, our ideas, our comfort to become something more, something truer than before.
How often do we force our friends and family to stay the same, simply because their growth is challenging us, and it shifts the dynamic within the relationship?
How often do we walk away from ourselves, because we are uncomfortable with the changes necessary to become who we are meant to be?
So, I took the road less travelled and started to make my way back to LIO. It took a few months to find myself within all the shapeless changes that occurred for LIO and me. To be honest, I am still trying to discover all the new nooks and crannies now available within LIO. I have yet to find my settled seat amid this beautiful practice. LIO mirrors my belief that healing takes place once we find ourselves.
Maybe the journey of finding my way back to LIO precedes the journey you will take with LIO. Making your way back to yourself.
I honour you for sticking around since 2015 and during the 3-year couch rest.
Thank you for flowing with me and with LIO as we are making our way home.
Be good to yourself ;
Did you hear us on the radio?
We were live on two of our local radio stations and we loved it. It was a first for LIO and hopefully not the last.
We were excited to share a little bit more detail about our upcoming silent retreat in September.
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